Lucy Sanderson-Gammon Lucy Sanderson-Gammon

Don't let your promotion be your downfall

It’s perfectly normal for people to feel outside their comfort zone when appointed to a more senior position – but it’s how they handle that discomfort that matters.

I’ve seen managers promoted to senior leadership roles who – feeling that they are under the spotlight – become so concerned not to make a mistake or be seen as not up to the job, that they fall into the trap of micro-managing everyone below them.

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Lucy Sanderson-Gammon Lucy Sanderson-Gammon

Finding opportunities to lift employee engagement

If you have read at least three of my blogs (because it takes that number to see a pattern…) you may have noticed that I finished each one with an opportunity statement.

Why? Because making a habit of spotting opportunities works. It has worked for me in business, and I’ve seen it work well for clients.

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