Four things you can do if your job depletes you
At the end of a year like we’ve had it’s understandable to feel a little run down, if not completely exhausted. Let’s face it – just getting through everyday life can be tiring enough without the added stress of lockdowns and worries about a global pandemic thrown into the mix! But what if you feel so exhausted that a summer holiday wouldn’t be enough for you to recover?
Get back in the driving seat of your career by redefining success
I was asked recently; “If there was just one thing you could tell your clients to help in their careers, what would it be?”
After some deliberation (it’s so hard to think of just one thing!) I responded: …
Stories of hope and possibility: Dancing through lockdown
Last month I talked about the importance of maintaining a sense of hope and possibility by looking for positive examples of people who have successfully transitioned their jobs or business after the Covid-19 lockdown. This article is one such story.
What to do when the world around you is changing
Wow. This year has definitely been a rough ride for many. Like no other in recent living memory! And when it comes to the impact of the pandemic on employment in New Zealand, some sectors have been hit harder than others, and women in particular have not fared well (see StatsNZ figures). However, these dire statistics don’t need to be the end of the story…
How to reduce the impact of the Coronavirus crisis on your career
In New Zealand, where we’ve been in lockdown less than a week [at the time of writing] in response to the Coronavirus pandemic, I’ve been talking with clients online. As the shock announcement of …
[Note to clients] UPDATE: Coronavirus response - all coaching sessions now online
Dear Wellington-based clients
Further to my last message to you on Friday (20 March), the situation has now changed regarding the Government’s recommended response to the Coronavirus crisis.
[Note to clients] Coronavirus response: virtual career coaching options available
Dear Wellington-based clients,
In light of the Coronavirus crisis, I understand some of you may appreciate an option to have your sessions online –
What to do if your job isn't working for you
If you find yourself counting down the sleeps until your next holiday, constantly tired with nothing left in reserve for the people you care about when you get home, or if Sunday evenings are filled with dread at the thought of work the next day – chances are, your job is not working for you…
Three reasons to get off the long-hours treadmill
“When I grow up I want a job where I get to work 50-60 hours a week and only get paid for 40,” said no one ever.
And yet, that’s exactly what …
Take stock before moving on to the next big thing
Wow – what a year! One of the busiest yet (and that’s saying something)!
I was about to beat myself up for not writing a blog for the last five months, and then I heard the words I tell my clients – that is, …